Kim´s 50th birthday - 1. December 2009
Happy Birthday Kim :-)
Majbritt and Astrid John, Joe and Kim
Allan and Kim
Korsør and Kalundborg gang
Kim and sister Britta
Sanne, Claus, Kim and Astrid
Kim, Kenan and granddad Otto
The first ones to arrive
Bjarne - the real cook - made fantastic food and Niklas kept everything clean
Kristine and Sophie
John and Sanne
Sigrid, Olga and Claus came by
....and Jette :-)
Sigrid and Olga----- Kim´s brother Erik with Gitte and Sophia
Jasper :-)
Of course Per - though it is hard to tell
Jesper and søn
something is so funny!!!
Hello Joe and Majbritt
Jasper, Kim (in the background), Birthe and Grandad Otto
Charming Astrid :-)
And her he is: Mr Mox!!!!!!
Magic and stand-up is one great combination :-)A coin indside a coca-cola bottle
Unbeliveble for even the most hard-core men :-)
Grandad Otto - chatting with Sarah in Argentina :-)
Kim seems very happy with this very festive day :-)Thank you all :-)